What’s Your Vision?
What’s Your Vision? https://youtu.be/9uSPbtWE-ps In this video Bob Proctor discusses that Vision is a long range view of what you want to do in your life. Take the time to build your Vision and all that you want to do in the future and your life will just get bigger and bigger and better and […]
What To Do When You Are Stuck
What To Do When You Are Stuck When we are stuck we know we can’t move forward. https://youtu.be/4GfJAbynPVs In this video Bob Proctor discusses that we often find that when we are stuck we know we can’t move forward, can do better, but we don’t know how to do it. To get out of this […]
Getting Back On Track
Getting Back On Track Every now and then in life we find ourselves “Off Track, ” heading in the wrong direction”.In this video Bob Proctor discusses how we often blame outside influences instead of realising it’s ourselves that have taken a wrong turn. It is our own responsibility to change the direction we are going […]
We Become What We Think
We Become What We Think In this video Sandy Gallagher discusses how we become what we think we are. How we see ourselves affects our hopes dreams and relationships. We need to focus on the good we want and the good will come back to us. Are You Ready To Focus On The Good Book […]
How to Attract What You Really Want.
How To Attract What You Really Want Start to See Yourself Mentally Already in Possession of the Good You Desire https://youtu.be/pntg_xmGCUk In this video Bob Proctor discusses that we have to see ourselves with what we really want before we can reach our objective. We have to see in our mind that we already have […]
How to Become More Productive
How To Become More Productive In this video Bob discusses the way in which we can become more productive. He explains to us that to become “More Productive,” we need to have a clear plan in our minds of what needs to be done , to be focused ,so that we can get up that day […]
How To Overcome Procrastination
How To Overcome Procrastination “The biggest deterrent to success is procrastination.” In this video Bob Proctor discusses, “The biggest deterrent to success is procrastination.” This is so true. There are many times when we think I’ll do that later, but later never comes. The same can be applied to anything that happens in your life. […]
The Napolean Hill Story
The Napolean Hill Story In this video Bob Proctor discusses how a man named Napolean Hill was willing to put faith, time and effort into learning from the experiences and knowledge that successful people were prepared to share with him. In turn he was able to do the same for others. We can do the same […]
Dreamers of the Day
Dreamers of the Day In this video Bob Proctor discusses that we have this notion that our dreams occur during our sleep, but our best dreams happen during the day. This happens when we “Take the lid off our Marvellous Minds,” and allow ourselves to dream about what could be, but alas we awaken from these […]
The Starting Point
The Starting Point Order is Heavens First Law. Getting things in order is the great secret to progress, therefor order is essential in our live In this video Bob Proctor discusses the notion that getting things in order is the great secret to progress, therefor order is essential in our lives. We must learn to arrange […]