Discover how YOU will be better off…

The following videos are true stories and testimonials from people who have committed to the methods we use with our clients. I learnt these methods from one of the world’s leading coaches, Bob Proctor, a man who has helped millions to reach their biggest goals and even financial freedom.

What Others Are Saying



Working with Phil

Phil Matthew has been studying personal growth and development for more than 30 years, and he is thrilled to be able to turn his passion into a cause that helps people live happier, healthier, more abundant lives.

Today, Phil facilitates the Unlocking Your Potential process and works enthusiastically with small business owners, elite athletes and a few individuals and families, to guide them in discovering who they really are as people and what they are capable of achieving for themselves.

The programs, systems, tools and techniques Phil uses are widely acknowledged as the most powerful human transformational processes of their kind,and as such he shows, helps and teaches people the most profound, powerful, and transformative concepts and strategies human kind has known to date.

Darren Walker - 5 Time Senior Australian Weightlifting Champion

I have known Phil Matthew for 20 years, since mid 1992, when we started working in business together.

I myself am an ex Australian Weight Lifting Champion/Australian representative and have coached elite track and field athletes and A.F.L /V.F.L players as a specialist strength coach.

Phil Matthew is the most astute human being I know and has been a life coach, business coach and life mentor to me in the 2 decades we have known each other.

In my view, Phil Matthew would be one of the most astute human beings’ on the Australian continent. This audacious, yet well founded understanding of him, is due to the fact that, firstly, Phil has the unique blend of cutting edge business/wealth development intelligence in alignment with the some of the wealthiest people in the world, of whom he often reiterates while in coaching sessions, which reflects humility as well as deep insight.

Secondly, in addition to a deep wealth creation intelligence, Phils’ uniqueness as a profoundly astute person is because Phil also possesses a deep insight into an area that even many business coaches and entrepreneurs do not all have, which is a deep understanding of human beings and self development processes.

This aspect of Phil is what makes him a highly evolved being and leader, which is acknowledged by the many people that know him, not just myself.

At a deeper level of his awareness, since he often states that personal development proceeds business/wealth development, as articulated by influential millionaires, like Robert Kiyosaki from the U.S, Phil clearly, then has the required astute understanding of the two required areas, of personal and business development intelligence, that is clearly required for long term success in whatever endeavour.

Due to the fact that he never judges anyone, Phil has a very open heart for people and nothing in life would surprise him. Phils’ high level maturity is reflected in the fact that he is a very calm and present person thus has excellent listening skills to be able to ask the right,enquiring questions whilst at the same time, his forthright nature knows when to be brutally direct, with love, if he feels you are, clearly, letting yourself down, in any area.

I have had hundreds of coaching sessions with Phil and, as a master strategist, he has an intuitive way of pointing a person in the right direction and moving you to do the required work to improve and create proactive development.

He sees life simply as a process that revolves around health first, people and relationships second and money third and he never changes this fundamental philosophy.

His mantra is AFL- Accept Forgive Love – something I have heard countless times. In my opinion, due to his core values of being authentic and transparent, his intuition travels very wide and he misses nothing.

If you have the opportunity to get his time, I can tell you directly that it’s not only worth a lot, but it would be completely inevitable that, just as my life has improved under his coaching, your life will also improve, be it in business or personal development, due to the fact that, as a package, his level of astute understanding, in both areas, is rare.




Picture of Alan Mikkor - Sales Consultant

Alan Mikkor - Sales Consultant

I first met Phil Matthew at Ocean Grove over 20 years ago, he was coaching at the district level with his brother-in-law and I subsequently helped him with other financial stuff and insurances as I was in the financial services industry at the time. Since then I have seen Phil make his own financial decisions, he has gone from a play it safe security based personality to a let’s take a calculated risk type. I will always remember the day we sat down and Phil said to me, “that everyday I stay in this job, I just die another day”. So I was there when he started to make his own way, foregoing the security of a comfortable job and out into the unknown. Years later I would team up with Phil again, and he eventually become my sales coach and mentor and having worked with many people over the years I can honestly say Phil was up there with the best of them. Phil is the sort of guy that has a crack and when he does something, he gives it everything he’s got, he will go to what others might consider an extreme, to learn what he has to learn, I know with the internet marketing stuff he started, I can remember him telling me how he would be up at 5.00am to get a couple of hours in and he did that for 18 months just to get a start. Over the years I have seen Phil coach men and woman of all ages and if you need guidance and direction, he will work with you from a holistic approach.

What Other Say About Phil!

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